If you have questions about your CLE transcript, deadlines, regulations or rules, you may contact the CLE Department.
CLE, State Bar | 404-527-8710 | cle@castingmoldingmachine.com
If you have questions about an upcoming seminar, registering for a seminar or institute, or have trouble registering, contact ICLE.
ICLE, State Bar | 678-529-6688 | icle@castingmoldingmachine.com
If you need to mail in a registration or payment for a seminar to ICLE, please use the following address:
Institute of Continuing Legal Education
P.O. Box 117210
Atlanta, GA 30368-7210
If you need to pay late CLE fees or course fees for CLE providers other than ICLE, mail your payment to the following address:
CLE Department
P.O. Box 102054
Atlanta, GA 30368-2054